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Overtown Heritage Day

The Courtyard of Rosemary Square 1400 Blvd of the Arts, Sarasota, United States

You are cordially invited to attend Overtown Heritage Day on May 19th*, 2019, 10:30am-4:30pm, in the courtyard of Rosemary Square at 1440 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236. *Rain Day, May 26th Enjoy a day of performances and speakers with food, festivities, and children’s activities marking the grand opening of Rosemary Square and honoring the legacy of Overtown, Sarasota’s […]

Murals Creation

Schedule August: Ballet by Truman Adams @trumanadamsart September: Contemporary Dance by Truman Adams @trumanadamsart October: Theatre by Careth Christine @carethchristine November: Opera by Bianca Burrows @itsbbart December: Visual/Architectural by Pamela Olin @pamelaolin For more information, visit the Murals page.